Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Inevitiable Embrace by Ross Smirnoff

For too long humans have allowed fear to rule them in their actions. To overcome fear we must learn to adapt to a new constitution of humanity. Right now we are playing into the rules of our possessors by playing along in their game out of fear. Fear needs to be attacked as a conscious failure that unless we overcome it we are made it's prisoner.  To do that, humanity needs to rewire itself. The youth is being turned fat and lazy which is the cause of neglect. We need to win them back by attacking a flawed education policy, that denounces individual freedom. The opponents will fight back but this evolutionary shift will take mere moments of time, like a tsunami, the change will gain power gradually until the force is too large to contain.  We need a revolution of spirit which will embrace chaos, and realize that every moment we waste is a moment that our jailors postpone this inevitable embrace of our collective spirit, that will help guide us into  a more meaningful existence, rejecting older platform's. We must defend knowledge and creativity, which are the main weapon of our inevitable victory.

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