Monday, December 24, 2012

Der Blaue Reiter Almanac

I had the great fortune of walking into a bookstore today and purchasing a copy of The Der Blaue Reiter Almanac. The first entry of this almanac is an essay written by Franz Marc entitled, "Spiritual Treasures." This essay asks a deeply disturbing and unfortunate reality that still pervades society today. Why do we value spiritual treasures so completely different than material ones? To quote Franz Marc, in this great manifesto, he proclaims, " new ideas are hard to understand only because they are unfamiliar. How often must this sentence be repeated before even one in a hundred will draw the most obvious conclusions from it? But we will not tire of repeating it, and we will tire even less of expressing the new ideas and of showing the new paintings until the days arrives when our ideas are generally accepted."

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